RANM Centennial

Rebekah Assembly of New Mexico

1907   -   2023
Celebrating the A New Century of NM Rebekahs

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New Mexico annual Fall Sessions 2024
Canton #1, Encampment #4,
Grand Lodge, Rebekah Assembly

October 3 - 6, 2024


2021 GL RA Photos
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 Photos    View & Order online

2019 Sessions Grand Lodge & Rebekah Assembly
Albuquerque, NM


WalMart Photos no longer available.
Prior Years Photos


Click the Rebekah Reporter Button in the Left Column to see the latest issue of the New Mexico Rebekah Reporter

The Rebekah Assembly of New Mexico was instituted on October 7, 1907 by the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge of the Territory of New Mexico.  There were 11 lodges at the time and 5 of those lodges are still active today. 

The voting members of the Rebekah Assembly are made up of Past Noble Grands from the individual lodges.  Each lodge is entitled to one representative for each 50 members on their roll.  The Assembly meets each year in September beginning on the fourth Friday of the month and ending at noon on Sunday.

There are currently 11 Rebekah lodges in New Mexico with both men and women as members.  We sponsor Theta Rho Girls Clubs and have a Theta Rho Assembly for girls ages 8 – 21.

We provide scholarships for graduates who have completed their freshman year in an accredited college or university.  Scholarships are also available for Technical  and/or Trade Schools. 

Our campground is located in the Manzano Mountains south of Albuquerque and is available by reservation.  

We are now incorporated as “Independent Order of Odd Fellows Rebekah Assembly of New Mexico, Inc.” and are a non-profit fraternal order (FTC 501c(8)) under the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Our lodges have various fund raisers to support humanitarian projects in their communities as well as
supporting the projects (http://www.ioof.org/working_programs.htm) of
The Sovereign Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows ( http://www.ioof.org/ )


Rebekah Creed

(By: Lois Sparks, Mariposa, CA)

I am a Rebekah.

I believe in
   The Fatherhood of God,
   The Brotherhood of man, and
   The Sisterhood of women.

I believe in the watch‑words of our Order ‑
   Friendship, Love and Truth.

Friendship ‑ is like a golden chain that ties our hearts together.

Love ‑ is one of our most precious gifts, the more you give, the more you receive.

Truth ‑ is the standard by which we value people.  It is the foundation of our society.

I believe that my main concern should be my God, my family and my friends.

Then we should reach out to our community and the World, for in God's eyes we are all brothers and sisters.

I am a Rebekah.

Adopted: September 21, 1990 International Association of Rebekah Assemblies

© 2006-2024 Nita Imel